Many women have already experienced real hope and lasting freedom. You can too.

Hi, I’m Patrick. Over the years, I’ve coached thousands of women who have been in a place of harm due to emotional abuse. It’s been my privilege to walk many of these courageous women from a place of hopelessness to a place of freedom, so they can live a vibrant life.

I’ve also personally experienced emotional and physical abuse. I grew up in an abusive alcoholic home, and was in an emotionally abusive marriage. This has given me a depth of understanding, and intuition for the hard to describe things, that can only come from experience.

I understand the struggle of getting out of that internal tangle - the one that being in an emotionally abusive relationship creates. Because of this, I communicate from a place of deep compassion, while being to the point, and non judgmental.

It’s my passion to help women walk through that very difficult mine field filled with nuances and subtleties. That’s why I created Pathway to Hope. I’d like to share the insights I’ve learned, and walk you through my process so you can get to a place of freedom and hope.

Let’s work together and bring value and freedom into your life!

Join thousands of other women who have found freedom from emotional abuse.

Start your journey today by joining Pathway to Hope!

Pathway to Hope is a safe online community for women experiencing some form of emotional abuse within their relationships.

By joining Pathway to Hope, you will have access to video courses, 2 live Q&A's with Patrick each month, a private forum, and much more.

Begin your own process of hope. Why? Because you are worth it!

Pathway to Hope is currently open and accepting new members.

Looking for private coaching? Inquire here about availability.

What people are saying about Patrick Doyle & Pathway to Hope

“I don’t think I have ever listened to someone who speaks truth straight into my heart like Patrick.”

- Misty


“Patrick’s honest communication has helped me understand a lot about things that once confused me. So many people I know find themselves in relationship issues with more questions than answers. Patrick has a lot of good answers.”

- Gigi


"Pathway to Hope has been an invaluable life line for me. I immersed myself in the tutorials, conversations, and many of the resources. I found great strength and sanity as I became educated in identifying the issues, grieving different types of loss, setting healthy boundaries and renewing a commitment to personal growth. It was certainly encouraging to share the support of others and know we are not alone and that there are solutions. I have been amazed how relatable and affirming Patrick's lessons are. I am so grateful."

- Londa


“Pathway to Hope really helped me identify what emotional abuse was, the next steps I needed to take for my own freedom, and how to care and love on myself in that process. Patrick’s transparent way of teaching gave me the courage to keep moving forward. The fact that he understands emotional abuse because he has been through it gave me comfort.”

- Amber Lyn


“Patrick Doyle knows abuse because he lived it. I have watched all the YouTube videos of Patrick’s Dove TV appearances but this Pathway to Hope is on another level. As Patrick shares his personal story I saw my situation clearer and clearer. His insights are so enlightening, his courage so admirable, and his transparency is so brave. I’m ready to take this journey to healing!”

- Tricia


“I have found Patrick’s perspectives very helpful as I sort through my situation and process all my emotions.”

- Susan


Join Pathway to Hope Today!

Now is the time to gain clarity, healing, understanding, and support toward your process of freedom. Through Pathway to Hope this is possible.



Video Courses

Community Forum

2 Monthly Live Q&A's

Monthly Member Interview




Video Courses

Community Forum

2 Monthly Live Q&A's

Monthly Member Interview


* To ensure the safety of the women who join Pathway to Hope, registration is limited to women only. Men are not allowed in Pathway to Hope.

10-Day Money Back Guarantee

We believe Pathway to Hope is exactly what you’ve been searching for, and will create many positive changes in your life. To make joining an even easier decision, we offer a 100% money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not happy with Pathway to Hope, email us within 10 days of your registration and we will promptly refund your purchase, no questions asked.

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