Get clarity on your situation...
Do you worry that you are crazy? Or is he a jerk?
Get help in seeing what the truth is.
Do you feel like no one understands?
Many have been where you are and can relate to your situation.
Do you need help finding clarity in your situation?
Go from confusion to clarity.
Through Patrick Doyle’s videos, you will gain knowledge of your situation.
In the community with others, you will experience growth and healing.
Through other women’s stories, you will gain courage and inspiration.
Have unlimited access to topics like emotional abuse, spiritual abuse, parenting during difficulty, boundaries, living in the truth, trusting your gut, healthy relationships, and more.
Chat with other women in the private community forum going through similar struggles. Build healthy relationships as you encourage one another toward freedom from harm.
Every month ask questions relating to your process of freedom from emotional abuse during your two LIVE Interactions with Patrick Doyle and Amber Lyn.
Why sign up? Because you are worth it!
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